Mainline District meeting which was held at Winston Churchill on Sat 16th Jan 2016

After the Mainline District meeting which was held at Winston Churchill on Sat 16th Jan 2016. Some members from Better ‘Ole Shellhole had decided toattend the Mainline meeting and then go onto RAID O’Pip/Florence Nightingale Shellhole which meet at the Claude Page Hall at Bartle Road Moth Cottages.So Mainline Old Bill Luddie Vos, Clint Crawford who is the Mainline Sgt Maj; Erich Hendricks and my self (War correspondent) went off to the meeting which was at 14,00 hours. Shortly after I arrived at the hall, a bakkie pulls up by the bar, and it is Gert Saunders requesting help to off load the refreshments, the beers ! Only to discover that they were b . . . . y warm ! I mean who drinks warm beers. Fortunately I had a bit of foresight and asked Old Bill Howard Prothero if there were going to be having refreshments as the pub which is run by Glen would be closed and Howard did not know who would be bringing drinks to the meeting. I took a 6pack ! (“(I’m ok Jack”)

What a long MOTH day Mainline at 09,30 through to compeletition of O’Pip at 15,50 then into good harmony ! Thanks O’Pip/Florence Nightingale for a great afternoon of Comradeship. – War Correspondent

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