Platinum Provincial DugoutDistrict:
Outposts of Platinum Provincial Dugout
Click for more pictures of the respray
Botha Shellhole held a Xmas potjie for the residents of Mesca Peacehaven, and what a pleasant afternoon. Thanks to all our residents that helped during the year. We as committee appreciate it very much and are looking forward to 2023 with all the new projects lined up.
BOTHA Shellhole Year ends Function
Remembrance Day
Staccatos entertain at Botha to raise funds – October 2022
Suset Parade 2022-01-21
Old Bills Dinner
Botha Remembrance parade 2021 – November
Sunset Parade El Alamein 2021-10-23
Botha Shellhole Potjiekos competition and Recce Afternoon 6 March 2021
The morning kicked off at 08h00 when the 9 teams started setting up and got the pot’s brewing. All attending, contestants and visitors were in good spirits with the residents of Peacehaven also visited the different stalls.
Back at the Recce stall and display of kit and weapons used by Special Forces, the team from Recce Inc were busy setting up the displays and photos. When all were done they started explaining how the different kit work, visitors also had the chance to see how MRE’s are prepared and how they tasted. Books, equipment and Recce branded apparel were sold.
All the while the Potjies were brewing and the teams prepared to be judged. The winners was appointed and prizes were handed over.
Visitors now had the chance to buy tickets to go to the team of their choice and dish up a plate of their favourite Potjie.
Guest speakers from Recce Inc, Callie Roos, Charl Naude and JJ Prinsloo, started sharing some of their experiences during operations they were involved in during the Bush War. This was followed by an Auction of some memorabilia from the Recce stall to raise funds for SASFA.
Old Bills Dinner December 2020
Remembrance Day, 8th November 2020 at 11h00
Members of Botha Shellhole gathered on the square before the parade to induct four new members into the MOTH Order as members of Botha Shellhole. Directly after the inductions the members of Botha Shellhole stood by as the Old Bill Anton Le Roux spoke a few words on the building of the wall and the square, the meaning of these areas to Botha Shellhole Members and the legacy we as new Shellhole members are leaving to the next generation that are coming in. Mrs. Engelbrecht were asked to unveil a plague on the square which will now be known as Hero’s Acre, bringing tribute to the Wall of Remembrance and also honouring the men and woman standing on the square. Botha Shellhole members and members from Koevoet, SAP COIN Veterans, SAP Dog Handlers Veterans, 61 Meg Veterans, 32Bn Veterans and members of Pietersburg Commando Club gathered to partake in a Botha Shellhole tradition.
All parade participants formed up outside the premises in Voortrekker Street, Moth members were tasked to carry the MOTH flag and Pietersburg Commando colours onto Parade, a Koevoet Member and a SAP COIN Member carried each their own colours onto parade.
The members on parade formed up and marched onto the Hero’s Acre square. Just before the fly past at 11h00 The Old Bill, Moth Anton Le Roux explained to the Guests and Visitors the meaning of the fly past of the Air Force Hawk. The Old Bill explained that the first fly past is a symbol of the forces moving off to the front lines, the Hawk returning and breaking away symbolises those men who did not return from the front lines.
After the Fly past from the Air force Hawk, Moth Le Roux welcomed the Guests, Brig Gen Barends and his wife from Air Force Base Makhado, Col (Ret) Gert Nel from Koevoet, Capt (Ret) Martin Loubser from SAP COIN Veterans, Dr Peet van Zyl, Mrs Janie Wierenga a radio personality, Ds Wynie van Beek a local preacher and Mr Louis Scott Teacher, Historian and Author.
After the Scripture reading and prayer, the Wall of Remembrance were unveiled. Two of the descendants of Botha Shellhole, John Idensohn (Past Old Bill) and Bill Idensohn (Past Sargent Major) Mrs Harleen Idensohn and Mrs Babera Wakefeild cut the ribbon to unveil the Wall of Remembrance. After the unveiling, Mrs Loubser from the SAP Coin Veterans sang Hallelujah.
Brig Gen Barends presented Moth Johan Le Roux with the Pro Patria, Southern Africa and the General Service Medals, Moth Ben Vorster received the 10 year Voluntary Service Medal. Col (Ret) Gert Nel (SAP Koevoet) presented Moth Andries Engelbreght the 75th year SAP Commemoration Medal, SAPS Amalgamation Medal, and SAP Medal for Faithful Service.
After the medal presentation ceremony, Mr Louis Scott, Author of the book “Hel toe en terug” gave a short history of the Poem “In Flanders Fields” and the Poppy as symbol for Remembrance Day. Mrs Janie Wiernga read the poem In Flanders Fields. This was followed by the Last Post and the lowering of the flags. A two minute silence were observed with the ringing of a Bell 11 times. Mrs Janie Wierenga read the poem We Shall Keep the Faith. The Reveille was played and the National Flag was raised followed by the other flags.
Next on the program was the laying of the wreaths. Wreaths were laid for the MOTH Order, Botha Shellhole, SAAF Air Force base Makhado, Koevoet Veterans, COIN Veterans, SAP Dog Handlers Veterans, Pietersburg Commando Club, Savanah Veterans, 32 BN Veterans, 61 MEG Veterans, SAMIVA, Parabat Veterans Organisation, Technical Services Veterans, Pietersburg High School, Pietersburg Primary School, Voortrekkers, the Air Force Base Makhado womans club, United States Marine Corps, Woman’s Agricultural Union and Relatives. We were all blessed with the honour of witnessing the SAP Dog Handlers Veterans laying a wreath, the handler Roché Vermaak placed the wreath over the neck of Wilkia, a German Sheppard who after this parade will retire from service, after the handler marched forward, giving the command, Wilkia ran forward and handed the wreath to her handler. Very few of the participants on parade, Guests and spectators did not wipe of a tear or two, in witnessing this.
Brigadier General Barends gave a short speech on the Poppie, the Veterans and the country that need to work together in healing from the past, especially recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic. He also told the parade that it is an honour to be part of the proceedings of the day.
After the National Anthem, the Colour Party marched of the ground while the Guests and spectators applauded. After the proceedings, a light lunch were held at the Shellhole. As proof of the success of the Remembrance Day Parade, the last guests only left after 5 o’clock the afternoon.
Click photo to enlarge.
Botha Shellhole invited to Armed Forces parade and luncheon with with the State President. 21st Feb 2020
Botha Shellhole Invited to Armed Forces capabilitly show. 17th February 2020
Botha Shellhole was recently invited to a Armed Forces Day luncheon with the State President, that was very impressive. This was the first time the Moth has ever been invited to this function
Botha Year end Part for Residents.
Botha Remembrance Parade
“Click on image to enlarge”
Botha Shellhole donates hampers to schools and the Peace Haven
Botha Shellhole received a generous donation from PANSolutions in Polokwane with the express wish that the donation is to be used for the children and residents of Peace Haven. With the go-ahead from the Donor, the Shellhole bought 87 hampers for the schools and 26 for the residents of Peace Have to be handed over to the residents at the Christmas function on the 07 December 2019. On 20 November 2019, the hampers were delivered to the personnel that run the feeding programs at three schools:
a. Pietersburg Primary School (PLS) 43 Hampers
b. Pietersburg High School (PHS) 23 Hampers
c. Tom Naude Technical High School. 21 Hampers
These schools have various project giving meals to less fortunate children, in some cases these meals are the only meals that these children eats during the day.
Click to see the full story : CHRISTMAS HAMPERS
Botha Shellhole Host Platinum AGM July 2019
The Platinum AGM was hosted in true MOTH fashion by Botha Shellhole in Polokwane. It was a great honor to have the Old Bill of the Order, Old Bill Eddie Penzhorn as a our guest of honor. A very big thanks to him for his very interesting speech and perspective of the MOTH.
At the AGM the following awards were made by the Province Exco and presented by Old Bill of the Order and the Provincial Old Bill.
Presentation of Annual Awards
The Guest of Honour, Moth Eddie Penzhorn and the Provincial Old Bill, Moth Dave Berry assisted by the Provincial Sgt-Maj., Moth Richard Wilson presented the following awards:
- Dave Reeves Trophy – Moth Koos Kleinsmith
For outstanding work within his District / Unit (Outpost) for the manner in which he overcame problems beyond his normal course of duties. - Doug Burman Trophy – East Rand
The Sergeant Major’s baton is presented to the District / Unit (Outpost) who was the most efficient District for the year in terms of reports, attendance at Province meetings and participation in discussions. - Mike Mortlock PRO Trophy – Coalfields
The Gold Miner is presented to the District / Unit (Outpost) who has done the most for the Order in terms of Public Relations work for the past year. - Pay Bills Trophy – Minefield
To a District / Unit (Outpost) for outstanding work in the field of financial reporting and financial control - John Jenkins Recruitment Trophy – Coalfields
Presented to the District Unit (Outpost) which shows the greatest percentage increase of new recruits per head for the year. - The Stuart Howie Trophy (Best Unit) – Savannah
For a unit recognised by the Provincial Executive as being the best in the Platinum Province. - The Wickens / Olivier Recruitment Trophy – Long Tom
Presented by the Province to a Shellhole as recognition to that Shellhole for recruiting the most members during the year - Shrapnel Trophy – Turbi Hills
A light hearted attempt to motivate a District to improve their performance and be recognised as one of the better Districts in the Platinum Province. In other words, if you sit on the shrapnel you may be coaxed to get off your rear end and do something. - Bull Shit Tie – Moth Richard Wilson
The tie is presented by the current holder to a Moth who regularly attends Provincial meetings and through his wit and or tall stories, (Bull Shit) keeps the meeting alive and vibrant.
Hiring and Firing
The Old Executive is dismissed to the floor and the new Executive is sworn in.