Gorgeous Wrecks


Platinum Provincial Dugout


Pretoria District Dugout

About Us

The Gorgeous Wrecks Shellhole Information Brochure – Click here

The Gorgeous Wrecks Shellhole History Brochure – Click here


The Executive 2022 – 2023

OB: George Butler; DOB: Gary Finlay, ADJ: Jaco Lötter, PB: Shane Daniell


In the News

Annual General Meeting – 05 August 2019

The Wrecks held their AGM at the Pretoria High School Old Boys Club on Monday evening 05 August 2019.  There were 15 spickerish Wrecks on parade plus 6 esteemed visitors at the meeting.

The Pretoria District top brass included the Old Bill Moth Thinus Prinsloo, the Wee Bill Moth Francois Viljoen, the Pay Bill Moth Marina Valentine and the QM Moth John Quinn plus Santa Breedt, the Coalbox Mk2 Adj and Mr Nico Hattingh who came to have a “look-see”.

After Old Bill George had delivered his Shellhole Old Bill’s report, he handed the meeting over to District Old Bill Thinus who called up his executive and dismissed the outgoing Shellhole executive to the floor before installing the incoming Shellhole executive.

(Photos: Moth Hennie Bresler)

During harmony Moth Adam Loock broke out the “Kings Ration” for the traditional Shellhole toasts.  Snacks were served with the first round and a good time was had by all.  Our visitor, Mr Nico Hattingh, even had the audacity to win the lucky draw – a real swindle indeed!


Hot Wrecks and Hot Dogs – 09 February 2019

The Wrecks decided to support the Field Marshal Shellhole Valentine’s Market held at Evenden House on Saturday 09 February 2019, with 9 hot Wrecks and 5 delicious Spices.

Our Exco took the lead and set a fine example, by erecting the stall at first light and then preparing and selling the tastiest Hot Dogs with onions in the whole Pretoria District.  Fortunately, no children or animals were hurt or slaughtered in the process.

Old Bill George Butler and Tessa de Villiers, Wee / Pay Bill Dave Berry and Adj Gary Finlay were assisted by Moth Bruce Michler and joined by Abie & Hilda Crous, Hennie Bresler, Liz Berry, Susan Finlay, Adam Loock, George & Elize Dicker and Eddie Penzhorn

The visual impact and those tempting aromas were great draw-cards.  Even those strange blokes from Savannah Shellhole couldn’t resist buying tasty Hot Dogs to balance their beers; and good fun was had by all.     (Photos: Supplied by Old Bill George Butler)

End-of-Year Meeting and Braai – 15 December 2018

Once again the Wrecks opted for an End-of-Year Meeting and Braai at Evenden House.  The only available date was Saturday 15 December 2018, which meant that we were thin on the ground as several of the blokes couldn’t attend due to their holiday arrangements.

On parade we had seven blokes: the Exco – Moths George Butler, Dave Berry and Gary Finlay plus Moths Adam Loock, Bruce Michler, Eddie Penzhorn and George Dicker.  Our seven guest included Mesdames Annatjie Michler, Elize Dicker, Liz Berry, Susan Finlay, Tessa de Villiers, young Mia Butler and Mr Jaco Lötter.

The short December Shellhole Meeting started at 15:00.  Lesson learnt!  The Old Bill made the Evenden House venue booking for 2019 straight after closing the meeting.  In the mean time, Moths Dicker and Finlay started the fires, while the rest just kicked back, chillaxed and had a good time. (Photos: Supplied by Liz Berry and Susan Finlay)



Old Bill of the Order for 2018-2019

Moth Eddie Penzhorn was appointed and installed as the Old Bill of the Order for 2018-2019 during the AGM of the MOTH General Headquarters, which was held at Warriors Gate on Sunday 18 November 2018.

Deputy Old Bill Moth Stan Bezuidenhout pins the new Old Bill of the Order Moth Eddie Penzhorn

Because the National Chairman – Moth Cas Aucamp – was on sick report, the two National Vice-Chairmen performed the ceremony.

Moth Eddie was put on the peg after which Moth Tony Munnik read out the citation and Moth Stan Bezuidenhout pinned on his precious metal Old Bill of the Order Tin Hat.  Moth Eddie was then congratulated and dismissed to his post as Old Bill of the Order.  At the end of the meeting Moth Eddie was called upon to close the AGM in true Moth tradition.


Annual Pretoria District Old Bill’s Dinner 

The Pretoria District Old Bill’s Dinner was held at Evenden House on Friday evening 03 August 2018.

Moths Bruce Michler, Dave Berry, George Butler and Eddie Penzhorn represented the Wrecks at the dinner. What a motley collection of old farts

The Wrecks’ New Sergeant Major

With the sad passing of our Shellhole Sar’Maj, Moth Lindley Oberholster, in April the need
arose to consider the appointment of a new Sar’Maj to fill this vacancy for the Wrecks.


At the start of the Shellhole meeting on 07 May 2018, the Old Bill announced that the
executive had decided to appoint Moth Gary Nowosenetz as the new Shellhole Sar’Maj.
The Old Bill then put Moth Gary on the peg and presented him with his Sar’Maj’s badge of office.



The Gorgeous Wrecks Shellhole Annual General Meeting – 07 August 2017

A Wreck on the Peg

The District Old Bill, Moth Thinus Prinsloo put Moth Dave Berry

on the peg at the Pretoria District Dugout meeting on 20 July 2017

The District Old Bill then called on the Wrecks Old Bill to present Moth Dave with his long overdue

Unitas Medal plus his John Chard Decoration & Bar


What can we say?  Once a Wreck, always a Wreck!


Moth Frans Prinsloo, our 81-year old “Remote Wreck”, lives in Jeffreys Bay and socialises with his friends at the Comrades/Algoa Shellhole, whenever he is in Port Elizabeth.


On a recent business visit to PE, Old Bill George Butler discovered that Moth Frans actually has a reserved seat at the Comrades/Algoa Shellhole pub, aptly names “FRANSHOEK”.

A few Wrecks at the annual Pro Patria Parade in Barberton – 11 February 2017

Moths Dave Berry, Hennie Bresler, Renaud Booysen and their spouses / partners attended the annual Pro Patria Parade at the Garden of Remembrance in Barberton on 11 February 2017.

That evening, during harmony at the Lone Tree Shellhole, Moth Dave Berry cornered the unsuspecting piper, physically overpowered him, relieved him of his traditional weapon and proceeded to disturb the tranquil peace of the Lowveld by squashing this multi-barrelled porridge gun until it was squealing and whining like a panic-stricken piglet running for its life.

Nooit, and that from the Platinum Provincial Old Bill, when there were children and ladies present?

Sies man!

 The Gorgeous Wrecks Shellhole hosting the Annual Veterans’ Dinner at Evenden House – 06 November 2016

The Top Table … finding their seats

Tessa’s dessert to mark the Gorgeous Wrecks’ 1000th meeting

The Gorgeous Wrecks Shellhole Annual General Meeting – 01 August 2016

The outgoing Exco with Old Bill Moth Eddie Penzhorn presenting his Old Bill’s Report

The District Visitors (L-R): Pay Bill Moth Johan Nel, Wee Bill Moth Thinus Prinsloo and Adjutant elect Moth Johnny Demetroudes took over the Top Table for the Installation of the incoming Exco


District Wee Bill Moth Thinus Prinsloo installed the incoming Executive (L-R) – Old Bill: Moth George Butler, Wee Bill: Moth Bruce Michler, Adjutant: Moth Renaud Booysen and Pay Bill: Moth Dave Berry

The Remembrance Day Service at Pretoria Boys High School on Wednesday 11 November 2015

Five Wrecks and three Friends at the PBHS Remembrance Day Service (Four are Old Boys) Front (L-R): Bruce Michler, Johnny Demetroudes, Gary Nowosenetz, Joe Bezuidenhout Back (L-R): Eddie Penzhorn, Andrew Woodwright, Dave Berry, Lindley Oberholster
Five Wrecks and three Friends at the PBHS Remembrance Day Service (Four are Old Boys)
Front (L-R): Bruce Michler, Johnny Demetroudes, Gary Nowosenetz, Joe Bezuidenhout
Back (L-R): Eddie Penzhorn, Andrew Woodwright, Dave Berry, Lindley Oberholster

The Remembrance Day Service at the Union Buildings on Sunday 08 November 2015

The nine Wrecks at the annual Remembrance Day Service Front (L-R): Moths Harry Keefe, Roy Barclay, George Dicker, Bruce Michler Back (L-R): Moths Eddie Penzhorn, Dave Berry, Joe Bezuidenhout, Hennie Bresler, Adam Loock
The nine Wrecks at the annual Remembrance Day Service
Front (L-R): Moths Harry Keefe, Roy Barclay, George Dicker, Bruce Michler
Back (L-R): Moths Eddie Penzhorn, Dave Berry, Joe Bezuidenhout, Hennie Bresler, Adam Loock

The Pretoria District Veterans’ Dinner held at Evenden House on Sunday 01 November 2015

[The 62 dinner guests included 26 veterans plus 33 waiters and 3 invited dignitaries]

The Pretoria District Potjie Challenge held at Evenden House 16 June 2014


The SADF Wall of Remembrance Parade held at the Voortrekker Monument on Sunday 25 May 2014

(These photos were taken by Paul and Johan Els of Who-Els Video Streaming www.who-els.co.za )

The Wrecks Potjie Team at the Pretoria Cottages on 21 March 2014

[Photos by Moth George Butler]

The 45th Annual Veterans’ Dinner hosted by the Wrecks 03 November 2013

The Wrecks at the Annual Border Boys Parade at the Cottages (18 Aug 2013)

The Wrecks Annual Bowls Day at Munies in Pretoria (17 June 2013)

The Wrecks Potjie Team at the District Competition (16 June 2013)

The Wrecks Potjie Team at the Sound Memory Cottages (21 March 2013)