Summary of MOTH GHQ & AGM Meeting – 14th & 15th November 2020

MOTH GHQ November 2020 surrounding National Chairman, Old Bill of the Order, and National Vice Chairman


Moth GHQ meetings were held over the weekend of 14th and 15th November 2020 at Warriors Gate. As a result of the Covid-19 restrictions, the meeting was restricted to the full national executive and 2 members from each province. No visitors or observers were permitted.

Saturday Workshop

The weekend started on Saturday morning with a presentation from the Moth Going Forward committee (MGF), chaired by Andy Boden, on a potential way forward to ensure the MOTH can continue despite the concern of members getting fewer, and the average age of the MOTH being 64+. The proposal which needs to be taken back to the floor consist of :

  1. Not changing the current clauses in Annexure B which defines the criteria to join the MOTH, being those privileged to have seen active service in an operational area.
  2. Introduce Friends of the Shellhole, being members who wish to join in the social activities of the MOTH, and support the MOTH shellhole going forward. Friends of the MOTH and AMMO’s would be phased out.
  3. Intoduce MOTH Supporters being persons who could not join the MOTH due to the restrictions in annexure “B”. This could include anybody that has served in the armed forces, immediate family of MOTHS or past MOTHS, and persons who wish to ensure the MOTH does not fade away, but rather ensure that the good work of the MOTH be continued.

This proposal was approved by all  and it was agreed to take to the floor for consideration and detailed debate. Feed back to provided to the MGF team by March 2021. Depending on feed back, the implementation of the above could start being implemented between May 2021 and November 2021.

Saturday Evening

Saturday evening saw the delegates move to Flame Lilly Park for a braai hosted by TWILIGHT RED TAB Shellhole. Thanks to the shellhole and members for your hospitality.

Some of the attendees at the braai

GHQ Meeting

Sunday started off at 8h00 with the GHQ meeting with a major change being voted on and agreed upon,  being the composition of MOTH GHQ an the Full National Executive (Clause 2.4). The major changes being:

  1. The posts of National Chairman, National Treasurer, and members of the Admin Committee, no longer need to be elected from Durban and surrounding areas. Technology has proved that it is possible to perform these functions from anywhere in the country / world.
  2. All Provinces will only have one member on the National Executive, other than Platinum, who are the largest province by far, will continue to have 2 members. This results in a decrease in the size of the NEC by 1.
  3. The positions of National Treasurer, Chairman of PMC and Chairman Warriors Gate will be appointed by Moth GHQ annually.
  4. Changes to the portfolios’ for certain members, eg
    1. Website Manager, is now responsible for Website, Nominal Roll and is the POPI Officer for the MOTH
    2. Chairman Warriors Gate, is now MOTH Museums and Memorials.
    3. PRO, now responsible for PRO and Marketing.

During the Annual Reports, 3 awards were handed out:

Platinum: – The Most New Recruits for 2019-2020 – 111 new recruits

Best Recruitment Administration: – Eastern Cape

Best Administration:   – Cape Western. Submission of year end reports, Financials, Cape Fees etc to the Moth Office.


GHQ Meeting was followed by the the Annual AGM which was chaired by Past Old Bill of the Order, Mike Soutter, due to Old Bill of the Order, Dave Revell who passed on to higher service. Past Old Bill of the Order, Moth Soutter performed the nominations for all office bearers and installed them. He also confirmed the MOTH GHQ signatories, Auditors, Mesca Special Fund, GHQ Special Fund, and Doug Hurst bursary fund administrators. Confirmation was also obtained from GHQ as to the persons who would attend to:

  1. CMVO
  2. National War Fund
  3. Website, Nominal Roll and Popi
  4. National Recruiting Officer
  5. PRO & Marketing

The National Executive team for this Moth Year is:

National Chairman, Moth Tony Munnik (Kwazulu Natal)

National Vice-Chairman, Moth Stan Bezuidenhout (Eastern Cape)

National Treasurer , Moth Koos Jooste

Chairman, MOTH Museums and Memorials,  Moth Mike Lee .

Chairman, Property Management Committee, Moth David Gush.

Chairman, National Recruitment Committee: Moth Philip Mclachlan (Cape Western)

Chairman, Public Relations And Marketing Committee, Moth Brian Coward (Southern Kwazulu Natal)

Information Officer  – Website, Nominal Roll & POPI: Moth Andy Boden (Platinum)

National Executive Member, Moth Andre Coetsee (Freestate and Northern Cape)

National Executive Member, Moth Stuart Howie (Newly elected from Platinum)

MOTH Representation:

Moth Representative on CMVO, Moth Gush

Moth Representative on National War Fund, Moth Andy Boden

Appointment of Old Bill of the Order for 2020-2021

Moth Andre Coetsee from Barrage Shellhole (Freestate and Northern Cape) was elected as OLD Bill of the Order for 2020 – 2021 and installed by Past Old Bill of the Order – Mike Soutter.  A speechless OBO then took over and closed the AGM. See his citation under rewards.

Photos taken at the AGM.