Sunset Call: André Patrick Martin of Marshall Smuts

The Cape Western Provincial Dugout regrets to announce the passing to Higher Command of Moth Andre Martin from the Marshal Smuts Shellhole on Thursday 01 September 2022.

With great sadness Marshal Smuts Shellhole has to inform that 25078 Moth André Patrick Martin answered the Sunset Call after a long illness bravely borne and, has gone to meet the Higher Command.

Moth Martin started his soldiering career as a Signaller before transferring to Anti-Aircraft. He joined the Permanent Force in 1982 and was on numerous occasions posted to 61 Mech Bn Group for duties. When the hostilities of the Border Campaign ended, he was transferred to Army Battle School as an Instructor and he later served as RSM of the HQ Unit. André was also an accomplished sportsman who represented the SADF at the SA Amateur Golf Championships. He married WO Lorraine Martin (now Moth Lorraine) on the 31st of July 1987 and, the next day left on a cross border operation that would keep him away from home for six months.

A man who loved the military and veterans in general, André was also an active member of the 61 Mech VA. Known for his great sense of humour and easy smile, he will be missed by all who had the pleasure of knowing him. Sincere condolences are extended to Lorraine, children and grandchildren.

Funeral arrangements to follow


André Patrick Martin

13/01/1952 to 01/09/2022