It is with great regret that we advise that Moth Cecil John Ritson answered the sunset call on the 6th Dec 2019. Cecil was a member of the shellhole for many years. Due to failing ill health he did not regularly attend meetings but was always adament that he wanted a Moth funeral. Due to family efforts and a small contingent of Moths this happened as planned.
Cecil 97years old was a true, blue Moth. One of the last two 2nd w.w. veterans in our shellhole. In a book written by Douglas. M. Baker about the exploits of fighting in North Africa, Cecil is mention repeatedly ( 20+ times ) in the book.
An except from the book gives one an idea of his commitment, character and valour.
Chapter 1v: Cpl. Cecil Ritson: somewhere in the background to the friendly rivalry between Durban High School and Glenwood was Cecil Ritson. Also a rugby player like his friend Dennis Bell but, on the contrary, very unprepossessing open and friendly. Cecil was a tireless worker in the rugby scrum and very responsible as a tank commander and compassionate in the running of fatigues. Heavily built he carried a bren gun and was rock solid in nasty situations. The authour of the book liked Cecil and admired him for his doggedness , stability and valour.
The shellhole gives our deepest condolences to Cecil’s family and friends.