Sunset Call : Moth Pierre Olivier – Marshall Smuts Shellhole

The Cape Western Provincial Dugout regrets to  announce the passing to Higher Command of Moth Pierre Olivier, a stalwart Moth of Marshal Smuts Shellhole, stepped away from the ranks on Sunday 15 October at 22H35, after a long illness bravely borne.

Moth Pierre joined the Order during September 1980 at Marshal Smuts and loyally served his comrades during all these years. Not a Committee man by nature, his contributions to his beloved Order was of such a nature that he received the Certificate of Comradeship from his Shellhole and the Certificate for Excellent Service from the Cape Western Provincial Dugout. Pierre served for 42 years as a volunteer soldier at Stellenbosch Commando, for 25 years as a member of the SA Legion Strand Branch and for 15 years as an Honorary FireFighter with the Department of Forestry. He was made a Life Member of the Shellhole during September 2021.

He leaves behind his son Werner, daughter Carmen, 5 grandchildren and sister. His wife, Moth Gerda Olivier passed away in 2012. Pierre will be missed by all who had the pleasure of knowing him

Moth Pierre Olivier



07-01-1946 TO 15-10-2023