Sunset Call: Phillip Labuschagne Tim Lukin Shellhole

Phillip Labuschagne: 1939-01-21 to 2022-06-14

Let it be it known that MOTH Phillip Labuschagne, Membership number 200101-193901-0324-18345, a member of Tim Lukin Shellhole, has been called to Higher Service.

MOTH Phillip passed away on Tuesday 14th of June 2022.

MOTH Phillip was inducted into the ORDER on the 1st of January 2001 and was a Life Member at Tim Lukin Shellhole. He was a committed MOTH and we Thank him for his service to the ORDER!!

MOTH Phillip will long live in the memory of those who knew him.

He Shall not grow Old
as we who are left grow old
Age Shall not weary him
nor the Years Condemn
At the Going down of the sun
and in the morning
We Will Remember Him!!!

Our Deepest Sympathy and Condolences go out to his Family, Friends and Tim Lukin Shellhole.