The Better O’le meeting on the 2nd Saturday in February is always a bad day for me as the next day (Sunday is the Midmar Mile swim and I enter it every year and as one gets older so the challenge gets harder and from past experiences having a party before this mile swim is just not on. So I stick to a cool drink for the toasts and duck out as soon as possible to avoid being “sucked” to having the desirable ice cold beers !
But this Saturday was quite an eventful day in the Shellhole 31 out of 54 members attend the meeting with 12 apologies.We do have the Mainline District Old Bill (Luddie Vos) as one of the members as well as the KZN Provincial Old Bill (Eric Clarence)
Under general came some interesting discussions. Moth Malcolm Torrance was awarded the Certificate of Comradeship. Moth Mike Lee who was woth the 61 Mechanised Battilon presented to Moth Clint Crawford & Moth Mike Voulelis (Old Bill of Shrapnell/Kum-A-Kye) a peak cap of the 61 Mechanised Battilon. Mile Lee’s Dad was the proud winner of the Top Hat & Chain.
There was a raid from delmein Shellhole with their Old Bill Peter Pettit in attendance.
Unfortunately Old Bill Stuart had misplaced the 60 year tie for Moth Errol Walton below. From the medallion Errol was with Lion Shellhole in 1954 – Congratulations to you Errol – The War correspondent.